SDE Project Checkpoint 2: Development Sprint Deliverables¶
First Sprint – 130 points – due Tuesday, October 22nd, 11:59pm
- Process & Implementation Project Snapshot (80 pts)
- Checkpoint Presentation (50 pts) - Short Video
Process & Implementation Snapshot (80 pts)¶
Start by cloning the team repository. You may also delete the hw1.yaml
workflow found in .github/workflows
. Once everyone has properly set up the repository on their local machines and committed their changes, you can now start development.
You should follow best practices for collaborative development such as using feature branches, pull requests, and code review. Individual changes should be committed to properly named branches for each core feature being implemented and make use of pull requests to merge changes together.
Be sure to review each other’s code - both from a quality assurance standpoint, but also so you have a better understanding of the codebase. Although code reviews can be done asynchronously, we encourage the first few to be done synchronously so you can discuss the changes with your teammates and learn more about the codebase.
Every member of your team must contribute to the implementation. One way we will evaluate this is that each team member must have at least one commit as a part of the solution. Failure to do so will result in a significant penalty to your grade.
You must commit all of your changes to the main branch of your team repository before the homework deadline. Unlike the previous assignment, you should not submit your changes to the parent Fakeflix repository.
Submit a link to your repository and your Github Project board to Webcourses. For grading, we will take a snapshot of your repository and board right at the deadline and grade based on your progress there.
Checkpoint Presentation (50 pts)¶
Your group should prepare a 10-minute video presentation describing your progress.
Your slides should include the following information (the recommended slides amount is in parentheses):
Title Slide (1 slide)
Include your team name & the names of each team member -
Project Planning (~1-2 slides)
What user stories did your team choose to focus on? What feature(s) did you plan on implementing to fulfill them? -
Development Progress (~1-2 slides per person)
What have you changed so far? How did you test your changes? What have you learned about the codebase? How does this compare with your original milestone goals? If your team did not meet your goals, why?
Each team member should describe the contributions they made. In this section, you must include a video demo of your current progress; if you were not able to make a working build, include screenshots that show your current progress and clearly explain what factors impeded your progress. -
Process Overview (~1-2 slides)
What process strategies (i.e. meeting frequency, code reviews) did your team use for the first sprint? Was it effective? Did you encounter any difficulties or have to make any changes? -
Looking Ahead (~2-4 slides)
What are some current risks and/or questions that your team has after completing your sprint(s)? Has your experience working over the last few weeks affected your planning of the project? Do you need to rescope? Do you need to reevaluate your process?
If you did not meet your development goals, you should outline what you plan to proactively change for this upcoming sprint. This is meant to be a forward looking reflection on what you might do differently should the project continue beyond the due date.
A Note on Participation
Participation from all team members during the presentation is required.
The presentation slides should be exported into a PDF and a video recording of your presentation should be submitted to Webcourses by the deadline.
To receive full credit for the implementation, we expect:
- Fulfillment of implementation goals as outlined by the planned milestones, or a clearly written justification in the milestone description of why elements fell through
- An updated Project Board for the current progress
- Reasonable code structure and style, including documentation where appropriate
- Coherent commits of reasonable size with meaningful commit messages by all team members
- High quality usage of Git/GitHub tools, such as issues, milestones, pull requests, and commits
To receive full credit for the presentation, we expect:
- All team members to contribute towards presenting their team’s progress
- All of the material described above covered in the presentation
- PDF Slides uploaded to Webcourses for grading & feedback
Resources & Documentation¶
Fakeflix Development¶
We highly recommend that, before starting development, you take the time to analyze the codebase with your team using the code archaeology techniques you have learned. One good place to start is determining where the MVC (or frontend/middleware/backend) split is and trying to make a small change in each section.
You will find some resources at the link below to help get you started with development: